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Teachers' meeting in Slovakia The Erasmus + project coordinators from Romania, Lithuania, Turkey and Spain visited Church Joint School in Dolný Kubín. The main aim of the visit that took place between 27. 09. 2021- 01.10. 2021 was to reorganize the original plan due to the ongoing pandemic. The foreign coordinators introduced the educational systems and structures in partners’ countries to our students. As they were interested in the methods of teaching in our school, the coordinators visited several lessons in which they had the opportunity to share and discuss various topics with the students. Since our project is also focused on cultural awareness, we had prepared for them several activities related to our traditions and culture such as visiting Orava Castle, the Museum of Orava village – Zuberec and The Orava Gallery.The first planned mobility is taking place in Spain this November. We believe that the situation will allow our students to experience a week in our partner′ s country.